The Wine and Spirits CellarSt. Patrick’s Day Liquor SaleMarch 14, 2019Wine & Spirits CellarNEW ARRIVALJameson Whiskey$42.99Jameson Whiskey is aged in IPA Beer Soaked Barrels. Hints of Hops, Fresh Citrus, and Floral Notes. Wine & Spirits CellarMONTHLY SPECIALSJim Beam $26.991.75 Liter w Free 100ml Jim Beam Vanilla sampleJohnnie Walker Red Label$30.991.75 Liter SaleWine & Spirits CellarMANAGER'S SPECIALCupcake Prosecco$8.88750ml Case SALE $ 8.88 * 12 Bottle Case Purchase Required Italy. Fine Effervescence. Aromas of Peach, Grapefruit and Honeydew Melon. Creamy Ripe Lemon, Citrus with Toasted Brioche Finish.St. Patrick's Day Liquor Sale